Amethyst Uruguay

Simply, the best quality amethyst in the world

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Minerals with energy and unique beauty

Welcome to Amethyst Uruguay, where you will find the best semi-precious minerals in the world, Amethysts, Quartz, Agates, Jasper, Calcites and varieties. We work each piece carefully by hand, with processes where the natural beauty of each mineral extracted from our own quarries located in Artigas, URUGUAY, a geographical mining point where the highest concentration of Amethysts of the highest quality recognized worldwide is found. This ensures that we can offer the best of the best to our customers. We are waiting for you...

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Giant unique pieces

We have extensive experience in Giant ornamental pieces, some of those sold today are visited in well-known mineral museums or exclusive private collections.

Artisanal open sky extractions

History of the mining site in Artigas, Uruguay

Amethyst is a natural stone. Its color is generated by the concentration of iron in the stone, but its origin is not very certain, since there are several theories about the formation of its deposits in the north of Uruguay. On the one hand, it is believed that about 130 million years ago, with the separation of the continents in the desert that existed in the area at that time, there was a great volcanic explosion with a lava spill. The contact of the latter with the sand caused a release of gases that, when cooled, generated holes within the stone, into which the sand was inserted, generating amethyst or agate geodes, which are different types of quartz. Other theories hold that the solidified lava was affected by the presence of water rich in the quartz mineral. In ancient times, amethyst geodes were prized for their healing and mystical properties. They are stones that can range from a few kilograms to more than 10 tons. Due to their color and purity, they are used in special pieces of jewelry, as well as for ornamental and decorative purposes. The largest ones are displayed in hotels and parks, it is used for feng shui. Uruguayan amethysts are among the best known in the world. Indeed, Uruguay is recognized as one of the most producing countries of this type of stone in the world. The deposits are located 70 kilometers south of the city of Artigas, in the northernmost department of the country. There are four extraction zones there, however, it is in the only department where there are deposits. Extraction is done in the open air and through tunnels.

Production in tunnels, Geodes and giant pieces

Shipping & Returns

To deliver your favorite products, we have become partners with the most reliable companies. We are ready to entrust them with your orders and are always on your side if something goes wrong. We will be happy to assist you for eligible returns, with a return instructions and the return shipping address. If you need a return or exchange, send us an email so we can discuss a replacement.

Payment Info

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When it comes to purchasing anything online, the security question towers above everything else. Our store’s overall cyber security and particularly the billing process security is something we do not take lightly. All of your shopping here will be a fun and safe experience. If you have any difficulties in the checkout process, you can always address our customer support department with your billing questions.

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192 Av Baltasar Brum